mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

My Favourite MUGs

jungsaemmool --> expecially everyday looks and only on Asian models:

audfaced --> a lot of cosplays, and she's so good at those!

MakeupGeekTV --> Marlena, I just love her! She's so funny and nice, and she does great looks!

Makeuppy -->  really good make up reviews, but Italian only.

NikkieTutorials --> a recent discovered, she's so nice and even if some make up are not so portable, they're very colourful and beautiful!

Pixiwoo --> we all know this two MUG sisters, so I think I don't have to comment! :D

Makeup your Jangsara --> Great looks, and I so damn love her eyes. She also does cosplays and tutorials.

Beauty Editor --> Reviews, advices but overall great articles about actresses, singers and co make up during events.

Make me up! --> an Italian blog with lots of reviews. Very useful when I've to buy a new product and I want to read some opinions about it.
Killer Colours --> a Swedish girl with big blue eyes and so interesting to read.

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